About the Library

Equity, Diversity, and Belonging

Equity Diversity and Belonging v2

Calgary Public Library is committed to equity, diversity, and belonging

Calgary Public Library is committed to equity, diversity, and belonging. 

Everyone should be able to realize their potential at Calgary Public Library. Everyone has a right to feel respected, safe, and valued within the Library and community. To ensure that, we must work to eliminate societal barriers and create a welcoming space in our programs, services, internal operations, and institutional culture. We have a responsibility to build and maintain an environment of equity, diversity, belonging, and dignity in all spaces we occupy and in all aspects of our community role. We continue to listen, learn, and act in collaboration with Library staff, volunteers, the City of Calgary, partners, and community. 

Calgary Public Library is committed to eliminating racial and social equity barriers.

The Library is a signatory of the Urban Libraries Council’s Statement on Race and Social Equity. We stand with the communities we serve against racism and injustice.

Browse these recommended resources to better understand the importance of social and racial equality, and our commitment to it.