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Third-party poster display criteria

The Calgary Public Library is pleased to provide, where possible, opportunity to display posters for community events or activities that are: in partnership with the Library, free of charge, accessible to the public, and of interest to patrons.

Due to the volume of submissions received, we can only accept print submissions from registered charities or not-for-profit, community-based groups. Please review the following criteria before sending your poster and note that decisions are at the discretion of the Calgary Public Library, Marketing and Communications department.

All posters must include the sponsoring organization’s name and contact information, along with specific information on the event or activity such as a date, time, and location.

Preference will be given to posters that:

  • Are educational, cultural, or recreational in nature, or supply non-partisan information.
  • Are pertinent to the city or local community.
  • Are professional, error-free, and appropriately sized for bulletin boards.
  • Represent organizations that do not pay to advertise or promote the event or activity elsewhere.

The Library cannot accept posters that include:

  • Fundraising or volunteer recruitment material of any kind.
  • Programs, classes, events, or activities that parallel the Library’s programming.
  • Advertisements for commercial products or services, including free events designed to generate future profits or create customer lists.
  • Political or spiritual/religious material of any kind, including material that advocates action on behalf of a political or spiritual/religious organization.
  • Formats such as periodicals or newsletters.
  • Material that violates the Library’s standards.

Please note that the Library does not monitor public responses to material, have the capacity to follow up on poster submissions, return any materials, or guarantee that posters will be displayed at all locations due to space constraints and varying factors; however, inquiries and email versions of posters for approval purposes are welcome well in advance of the event date.

If you feel that your poster meets the standard requirements, please send 24 posters to the Central Library to be considered for distribution throughout all 21 Calgary Public Library locations. You can also email a copy of the poster to marcom@calgarylibrary.ca for approval.

Calgary Public Library, Marketing and Communications
Central Library
800 3 Street SE
Calgary AB T2G 2E7