Babies and Toddlers

Importance of Early Learning Centres

Early Learning Centres are one piece of Calgary Public Library’s Early Learning Strategy.

Healthy development in early childhood sets the course for a child’s future, leads to kindergarten readiness, and prepares children for lifelong learning and success.

Read our Early Learning Strategy

An Early Learning Centre that has sail like fabric across the top of the ceiling. Below it is tables with chairs and people sitting and doing crafts. A little boy leaning forward on a structure. They are throwing silk fabric in the air that is being blown around by the machine.

Our long-term goal is to have an Early Learning Centre in every Library in Calgary.

Philanthropic support from individuals, organizations, and all levels of government have made our other Early Learning Centres possible.

In 2017, four Early Learning Centres opened at Saddletowne, Forest Lawn, Signal Hill, and Crowfoot libraries, thanks to a $1 million investment from the Calgary Foundation and an anonymous donor.

Learn about investing in early learning on the Calgary Public Library Foundation’s website.