Our Land Acknowledgment

A commitment to Truth and Reconciliation across Treaty 7 lands

Land Acknowledgment

With gratitude, mutual respect, and reciprocity, we acknowledge the ancestral home, culture, and oral teachings of the Treaty 7 signatories which includes the Siksika Nation, Piikani Nation, Kainai Nation, the Îethka Stoney Nakoda Nation, consisting of the Chiniki, Bearspaw, and Good Stoney Bands, and the people of the Tsuut’ina Nation. The City of Calgary is also homeland to the historic Northwest Métis and to the Otipemisiwak Métis Government, Métis Nation Battle River Territory, Nose Hill Métis District 5 and Elbow Métis District 6. 

At Calgary Public Library we celebrate stories: the stories of the community and the land that we live on. We serve the community on Wîcîspa, Guts’ists’i, and Moh'kinstsis, which describes the gathering place where the Bow and Elbow rivers meet. We respect all people who share, celebrate, and care for the Treaty 7 territory of southern Alberta and we honour the original caretakers of the land who remind us of the ongoing histories that precede us. We recognize our shared responsibilities going forward to help bring everyone together on this journey of Truth and Reconciliation.

Audio pronunciations of phrases in this Land Acknowledgment were provided by Elder Clarence Wolfleg (Blackfoot), Elder Alice Kaquitts (Stoney), and Indigenous Services Design Lead Kelli Morning Bull. 

Hear this Land Acknowledgment read aloud 

Reading of the Land Acknowledgment was provided by Library staff member Jon MacBurnie 


An official Land Acknowledgment is one of the ways Calgary Public Library lives its commitment to Truth and Reconciliation.

This Land Acknowledgment was created in consultation with members of the Elders’ Guidance Circle, Indigenous Staff members, members of the Library's Truth and Reconciliation Stewardship Group, and representatives from the five Treaty 7 signatories and the Otipemisiwak Métis government.

Careful thought was given to the wording of the Land Acknowledgment to ensure the resulting statement was inclusive of all those who reside in Treaty 7 territory.

Children's Land Acknowledgment

If you've visited the Library or attended one of our programs, you may have heard this land acknowledgment before. But what is a land acknowledgment, and why is it important to learn? 

Today our Library friends Henri and Charlie are teaching us all about the significance of the local Treaty 7 land acknowledgment, which recognizes the history of the lands and Indigenous peoples in southern Alberta, including Calgary.  

The rhyme we use to remember the land acknowledgment is easy for kids and adults to learn. Practise along with us!  

Have you ever heard of a flannelgraph?

At the Library, we use flannel or felt boards and images cut from fabric to help us tell stories. This flannelgraph was made by Trissa Meguinis, animated by Catherine Cartmill and Peggy Walden, and filmed by Patricia Anne Duquette to help us learn the Library’s Treaty 7 Land Acknowledgment.

You are welcome to use this Land Acknowledgment in your classrooms and communities to help acknowledge the original caretakers of the land we now call Calgary.

The Library Land Acknowledgement has changed. These videos will be updated in the near future to reflect the new wording. 

Our journey of Truth and Reconciliation

Early in our journey, it became clear that we needed a systemwide Land Acknowledgment.

This Land Acknowledgment ensures that the complex history of the land and its people are consistently reflected in Library services and spaces.

The Library engaged with members of the Elders’ Guidance Circle, Indigenous Staff members, members of the Truth and Reconciliation Stewardship Group, and representatives from the five Treaty 7 signatories and the Métis Nation of Alberta Region 3 who call Treaty 7 home. We chose this approach intentionally to make sure that the information gathered accurately reflected the region’s oral history and traditions.

Land acknowledgment plaques will be displayed in all Library locations in 2023 to permanently signify our commitment to Truth and Reconciliation and evolving relationships with Indigenous communities and collaborators.   

Since 2017 the Library has taken steps to further its journey of Truth and Reconciliation. 

Our journey began with the creation of an Indigenous Service Design Lead position in 2017. This role helps the Library focus on critical projects that build on the expertise of Indigenous community members, creating services and programs that will benefit those communities. 

The Truth and Reconciliation Stewardship Group was formed in 2018. This multi-disciplinary, interdepartmental group of staff helps research, plan, and execute initiatives that support Truth and Reconciliation at the Library. 

When the Library recognized the need for a systemwide Land Acknowledgment, we also saw the need for systemwide training to help staff understand the significance of the Land Acknowledgment. The Library now has mandatory and ongoing systemwide training to support staff in this area.