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Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and Two-Spirit+ People

Recognizing Our Sisters in Spirit on October 4

Each year, Sisters in Spirit Day is recognized in Alberta on October 4 to honour the memories of missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls, and two-spirit people (MMIWG2S+). 

The Library will have displays for Sisters in Spirit at all locations from October 1 – 6.

As a display of remembrance and action with location MMIWG2S+ banners, we invite you to write messages on red dress cutouts and take home a button.  

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Did you know...

Indigenous women are 12 times more likely to be murdered or missing than all other women in Canada. 

Between 2009 – 2021, 490 Indigenous women and girls were the victims of homicide.

Indigenous women are two times more likely than non-Indigenous women to have experienced sexual abuse by an adult before the age of 15. 

Source: Statistics Canada