All Library locations are open with modified services.
Educators & Teachers

Community Library School Tour

(Grade K – 6) 

Learn about the role libraries play in your community

This program is an opportunity for school classes in Calgary to visit the Library location nearest them to see how it is a learning space and resource in their community. Library staff will share resources and expertise, and lead hands-on activities to support students in building awareness of the role of public libraries in their school community.

Visits are 45 minutes long and are conducted for one class at a time (maximum 30 students per class). Bookings can be made for up to two classes (larger groups possible at Crowfoot only), with an option to extend your stay with a 25-minute activity. Book borrowing is not included in your visit, but you are welcome stay with your class afterwards to do so. Opportunities may vary depending on community Library location and size of group.

If you would like to bring a non-school group to the Library for a tour, please call Library Hotline.