Resources for Grades K-3

Get ready for school with your Library!

Preparing for kindergarten is easy with the Library. Use the five tips in this video as your guide on the road to kindergarten.

background image: This is a picture of a young child sitting in a pipe in the Early Learning Centre at Central Library. He is holding a tote bag that says "Ready for Kindergarten" and has a cute illustration of a frog and penguin standing on a book.

Is your child starting kindergarten this year?

A Kindergarten Book Bag comes with helpful resources and fun Library books to help your whole family prepare for the transition to kindergarten. Visit your nearest Library location to take a keepsake Kindergarten Book Bag home with you today.  

Kindergarten Book Bags are not available at Memorial Park, and Rocky Ridge libraries. 

Thank you to Imperial for generously supporting the Kindergarten Book Bag initiative.

background image: A photo of a child holding a pen and drawing on a booklet that says "Fire Safety Activity Book."

Fire safety starts with you

Learn about home safety and the life of a firefighter with colouring sheets, puzzles, and games in the new Fire Safety Activity Book.

You can pick up your copy at any Calgary fire hall or Library location, or download and print your Fire Safety Activity Book PDF at home.

Indigenous stories from Treaty 7 authors

Indigenous languages have long been underrepresented in literature — especially in children's books. This collection of Treaty 7 Language Books were written by authors from or with a connection to the Treaty 7 land on which Calgary is located.

In this series, hear the authors of the books perform their stories.

Stream it now on YouTube