Parents & Caregivers

Family Reading Pick

Explore the joys of reading with your family

Discover the joys of reading together as a family

The 2025 Family Reading Pick is The Wild Robotby Peter Brown. Copies of The Wild Robot and activity booklets are available at all locations, excluding Rocky Ridge and Prototype: Skyview. 

The booklets include discussion questions to spark conversation and activities to support reading aloud as a family or in your classroom. It also includes a colouring page that you can bring back to the Library to receive a prize.

Find the eBook or audiobook versions in the catalogue, and download an activity booklet below — happy reading!

A graphic showing the cover of the book Wild Robot by Peter Brown.

There are many benefits to reading as a family

Reading together as a family is a great way to connect, get to know one another, and start bigger conversations about our world and ourselves. 

Make the most of your Family Reading Pick experience with these tips for reading with your family.

You can help your child advance their reading comprehension skills faster by using the dialogic reading technique.

You’re never too old to enjoy being read to

According to the Kids and Family Reading Report conducted by Scholastic in 2017, listening to stories read by others can have these benefits, and more.

  • Children who are read to score an average of 10 points higher on standardized reading tests (The Effect of Family Literacy Interventions On Children’s Acquisition of Reading: From Kindergarten to Grade 3, Conducted by Monique Sénéchal for the National Center for Family Literacy, 2006).

  • Children spend five times as much time outside the classroom as they do in school, so the reading that happens at home and in the community has big impact (The Read-Aloud Handbook, Jim Trelease, 2006).

  • 57% of kids who are frequent readers have caregivers who can be seen reading five to seven days per week (Kids and Family Reading Report – Scholastic, 2017).

  • Kids ages 6 – 11 who actively participate in read-aloud time by asking questions, taking turns reading, or making sound effects are more likely than other children to be frequent readers (Kids and Family Reading Report – Scholastic, 2017). 

  • 85% of children ages 6 – 14 who have been read aloud to say they love it! (Kids and Family Reading Report – Scholastic, 2017). Reading together as a family increases bonds and gives us opportunities to connect and share new ideas with each other.