Monday, February 24, 2025
In consultation with our community partners, and in the interest of ensuring safety, we are postponing our Reading with Royalty event at Southwood Library that was scheduled for Saturday, March 4.
We remain committed to our partnership with Calgary Pride and will reschedule the event once we can be sure that we can provide a safe and fun environment for kids and families that wish to attend.
The right to protest is fundamental to our democracy, but what happened last weekend inside Seton Library was not a protest. It was an organized, targeted, and intimidating disruption of a program in a space where small children were present.
The Library has partnered with Calgary Pride to host Reading with Royalty events for more than five years. This program is a popular, family-friendly event that celebrates inclusion and imagination through stories and songs. All performers and staff complete training to ensure that events are kid-friendly and entertaining. The suggestion that it is anything else is categorically untrue and rooted in misinformation and intolerance.
We apologize to the families who were excited to attend this weekend’s event. We look forward to welcoming you back to a future Reading with Royalty event.
Our role at Calgary Public Library, and the role of libraries everywhere, is to connect community members with diverse ideas, information and opportunities. Libraries play an important role in upholding intellectual freedom and providing equitable access to information and platforms for the exploration and exchange of ideas.
Our spaces must remain free from intimidating and disruptive actions intended to restrict freedom of thought or expression.
Everyone has a right to feel respected, safe and included at the Library.
Calgary Public Library