Monday, February 24, 2025
CALGARY, AB – Calgarians will now be able to borrow musical instruments thanks to the Sun Life Financial Musical Instrument Lending Library program – the first of its kind in the region. This innovative program, available at the Calgary Public Library’s Memorial Park location, gives anyone with a valid library card the opportunity to borrow a variety of musical instruments. Earlier this year, Sun Life Financial announced the expansion of its highly successful Sun Life Financial Musical Instrument Lending Library program to more cities across Canada in celebration of Canada’s 150th birthday. Calgary is now the fourth city in the country to be part of this innovative program.
“Music can have a profound impact on a person’s life and being able to share and make music is something everyone deserves to experience,” said Paul Joliat, Assistant Vice-President, Philanthropy and Sponsorships, Sun Life Financial. “At Sun Life, we understand the importance of building healthy, sustainable communities and we are thrilled to be able to increase access to music through this program.”
Sun Life Financial will be making a $140,000 philanthropic donation to the Calgary Public Library Foundation to fund the program operating costs, and is donating 150 instruments and accessories to the Memorial Park Library, including guitars, ukuleles, violins, drums, xylophones and portable keyboards. Sun Life has also created a series of seven short videos to assist individuals with the use, care and enjoyment of the instruments. Whether you’re a beginner picking up an instrument for the first time or a seasoned musician, the program is designed for anyone looking to explore the world of music.
The Sun Life Financial Musical Instrument Lending Library program is a natural extension of Sun Life’s support of music education, one that aligns perfectly with the company’s award-winning Making the Arts More Accessible™ program. Sun Life Financial believes arts and culture should be celebrated within our communities and made available to everyone, regardless of their means.
“Music, like reading, is a gateway to the wider world of creativity and ideas,” said Bill Ptacek, CEO, Calgary Public Library. “The Library, through the Sun Life Financial Musical Instrument Lending Library program, is bringing arts and culture to more Calgarians. We are grateful for Sun Life Financial’s continued investment in the Library and to arts and culture in our city. With their investment in innovation, Sun Life Financial is a valued Add In Campaign Founding Partner.”
The Library will also be holding a Musical Instrument Donation Drive running from June 1 to July 1. Calgarians may drop off their donations at Memorial Park Library (1221 2 Street SW) and at Long & McQuade (225 58 Ave SE). See the instrument wish list for more information.
The Sun Life Financial Musical Instrument Lending Library program was first launched at the Toronto Public Library in April 2016, and was later expanded to the Vancouver and Montréal Public Libraries. The program is already an overwhelming success in the first three cities, and all libraries are currently experiencing wait times to borrow an instrument.
At Sun Life Financial, we are committed to building sustainable, healthier communities for life and we’re proud to hold the Caring Company designation from Imagine Canada. Community wellness is an important part of our sustainability commitment and we believe that by actively supporting the communities in which we live and work, we can help build a positive environment for our Clients, employees, advisors and shareholders. Our philanthropic support focuses on two key areas: health, with an emphasis on diabetes awareness, prevention, care and research initiatives through our Team Up Against DiabetesTM platform; and arts and culture, through our award-winning Making the Arts More AccessibleTM program. We also partner with sports properties in key markets to further our commitment to healthy and active living. Our employees and advisors take great pride in volunteering over 40,000 hours each year and contribute to making life brighter for individuals and families across Canada. Read more about Sun Life Financial in the community.opens a new window
Calgary Public Library, with 600,000+ members, has been inspiring the life stories of Calgarians for more than 100 years. It is currently the second largest library system in Canada and the sixth largest municipal library system in North America, with Calgarians borrowing more than 15.8 million physical and digital items and with 6.7 million in-person visits last year. Preparations are underway for the awe-inspiring 240,000 sq. ft. New Central Library, to open in late 2018.
Add In—the Campaign for Calgary’s Library, is the largest public campaign for a public library in Canadian history. The $350 million campaign will enhance and support a system of community libraries across Calgary and is inspired by the New Central Library, which will open its doors to the world in 2018. To learn more about Add In and the Calgary Public Library Foundation’s vision to create the best public library in the world for Calgarians, visit
Media Relations Contacts:
Alessandra Nigro
Manager, Corporate Communications
Sun Life Financial
T. 416-979-4884
C. 416-859-6918