About the Library

Calgary Public Library Board Policies

The Board is appointed by the City, and is governed by the Act, the Regulation, the City Bylaw, and other relevant legislation. The Board has the authority for full management and control of the Library, and assumes with that authority the duty to develop policies related to the framework, governance, and operation of the Library.

The Board employs the Chief Executive Officer, who in turn implements the policies and manages the daily operations of the Library. The Chief Executive Officer is accountable to the Board. The staff who implement Library operations are accountable to the Chief Executive Officer.

Board Policies clearly define the scope and limits within which the Library operates. Board Policies are used to provide effective parameters and direction for decisions and actions undertaken by the Board, management, and staff.

Defining and Interpreting Board Policies

Interior of Calgary Public Library's Crowfoot location. Pictured are tables, bookshelves as well as children playing and reading.