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Board Policies

Donations and Related Matters

Donations: Monetary and In-Kind

The Board establishes philanthropic priorities for the Calgary Public Library Foundation (Foundation). The Foundation receives monetary and in-kind donations on behalf of the Library. Donations are accepted and tax receipts are issued by the Foundation in accordance with the policies and guidance of the Canada Revenue Agency.

Approval: Avnish Mehta, 2020. Statutory: No.

Donations: Materials

Calgary Public Library does not accept donations of books and other materials. The Library may accept donations of content by authors and creators that offer a perspective on Calgary and region for the Calgary’s Story local history collection. Donations would be reviewed and may be added to the Library’s collections in accordance with the Collections policy, the Calgary’s Story Collection Administrative Policy and Calgary’s Story Collection Guidelines. Content that is donated is subject to the same criteria for withdrawal that are applied to purchased materials.

Approval: Andrew Rodych, 2023. Statutory: Yes

Naming Rights for Sponsors

Recognizing that the long-term resourcing of the Library through sponsorships is vital to the services it provides to Calgarians, the Board supports the ongoing practice of providing naming rights to third-party sponsors, where such relationships are mutually beneficial and are consistent with this policy.

Sponsorships are agreements to provide goods, services, or financial contribution in return for the recognition potential associated with the inclusion and public display of the sponsor’s name as the name of parts of a Library facility or of other tangible assets. The Calgary Public Library Foundation will pursue such arrangements on behalf of the Library.

In judging the suitability of naming rights for sponsors, the following will be considered:

  • The significance of the sponsorship in relation to the project
  • Alignment with the Library’s vision, mission, and values
  • The reputation and integrity of the sponsor
  • The history of the sponsor’s support of libraries and Library priorities

The Library will not enter into a naming rights agreement with a sponsor for the entirety of a Library facility.

Naming rights agreements will be in place for a specified number of years.

Naming rights for sponsorships of less than $1 million require the approval of the Library’s Chief Executive Officer. Naming rights for sponsorships of $1 million or more require the approval of the Board.

The Board recognizes that contributions from sponsors are often made in several installments, a situation of benefit to the Library, the Foundation, and the sponsor. Naming rights will not commence until the first installment is received.

In order to protect the integrity of the Board and the Library’s brand, limit confusion for users, and avoid the perception of advertising, the sponsor’s name only, and not its logo, will be used on any permanent signage identifying the sponsor.

The Board reserves the right to revoke a naming decision if it constitutes a significant and continuing impairment to the Library’s reputation or if the agreed-upon contributions are significantly reduced.

The Library will not relinquish to a sponsor any aspect of the Library’s right to manage and control any of its assets, facilities, programs, services, staff, or volunteers.

Any naming rights agreement will include clauses to reflect the relevant terms in this policy.

Approval: Avnish Mehta, 2020. Statutory: No.

Naming in recognition of philanthropic gifts

Recognizing that the long-term resourcing of the Library through philanthropy is vital to the services it provides to Calgarians, the Board supports the practice of recognizing philanthropic gifts through the naming of the entirety of a Library facility, parts of a Library facility, or other tangible assets, where such relationships are mutually beneficial and are consistent with this policy.

Philanthropic gifts are transfers of property (including money) from donors for the public good without valuable consideration. The Calgary Public Library Foundation will pursue such arrangements on behalf of the Library.

In judging the suitability of recognition through the naming of a philanthropic gift, the following will be considered:

  • the significance of the proposed gift in relation to the project
  • alignment with the Library’s vision, mission, and values
  • the reputation and integrity of the donor and of the person(s) in whose honour naming is proposed
  • the history of the donor’s support of libraries and Library priorities

The naming of the entirety of a Library facility, parts of a Library facility, or other tangible assets will be in place for a specified number of years.

The naming of the entirety of a Library facility requires Board approval.

When associated with a gift of less than $1 million, the naming of parts of a Library facility or other tangible assets requires the approval of the Library’s Chief Executive Officer. When associated with a gift of $1 million or more, the naming of parts of a Library facility or other tangible assets requires the approval of the Board.

The Board recognizes that philanthropic gifts are often made in several installments, a situation of benefit to the Library, the Foundation, and the donor. Recognition through naming will not commence until a significant installment of the gift associated with the naming has been received.

The Board recognizes that philanthropic gifts are often made as bequests. Recognition through naming will not commence until the bequest is realized, except in extraordinary circumstances and with Board approval.

The Board recognizes that philanthropic gifts can be made in the form of an endowment. Recognition of the endowment will be considered at a level suitable for the annual disbursement of the endowment.

The Board reserves the right to revoke a naming decision if it constitutes a significant and continuing impairment to the Library’s reputation or if the agreed-upon philanthropic contributions are significantly reduced.

When the Board has approved or revoked the naming of the entirety of a Library facility, it will provide relevant information to The City of Calgary.

The Library will not relinquish to a donor or person honoured through naming any aspect of the Library’s right to manage and control any of its assets, facilities, programs, services, staff, or volunteers.

Any naming rights agreement will include clauses to reflect the relevant terms in this policy.

Approval: Andrew Rodych, 2023. Statutory: No.

Honorific naming

In order to inspire present and future generations by the achievements of individuals who have made exemplary and longstanding contributions to the Library, the Board supports, in special circumstances, the practice of honorific naming of the entirety of a Library facility, parts of a Library facility, or other tangible assets.

Normally, honorific namings will be considered only for individuals who are no longer active in their field of expertise or deceased. Where appropriate, a written consent shall be obtained from each individual or estate associated with an honorific naming.

In judging the suitability of an honorific naming, the following will be considered:

  • The significance and longevity of the honoree’s contributions to the Library
  • Alignment with the Library’s vision, mission, and values
  • The reputation and integrity of the honoree

Honorific naming of the entirety of a Library facility, parts of a Library facility, or other tangible assets will be in place for a specified number of years. Honorific namings can be renewed at the discretion of the Board.

Honorific naming requires Board approval.

The Board reserves the right to revoke a naming decision if it constitutes a significant and continuing impairment to the Library’s reputation.

When the Board has approved or revoked the naming of the entirety of a Library facility, it will provide relevant information to The City of Calgary.

The Library will not relinquish to a person honoured through naming any aspect of the Library’s right to manage and control any of its assets, facilities, programs, services, staff, or volunteers.

Approval: Avnish Mehta, 2020. Statutory: No.